sporewoh (8)

keyboard design contest #00 results

Overview The results are in! Thank you to everyone who has participated in the contest! I am floored by all of the creativity and thought put into the entries!! I'd like to list out the entries, what I like about each one, and finally outline…

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pocket keyboard design contest #00

Purpose Outline details, rules, and prizes of the first ever pocket keyboard design contest. Mechanical keyboards are an fun way to interface with a computer thanks to their premium sound and feel. One draw back of many mechanical keyboards, however, is that many of them…

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idawgz32 (how I made a keyboard for only $5)

Purpose Discuss design considerations when designing a cost optimized keyboard. Showcase my newest keybaord, the idawgz32, as well as talk about the pros and cons of the board. Discuss my experience using FAK. There's been a huge wave of keyboards using the CH552 microcontroller following…

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modkipz40 (how I used ergogen for the first time)

Purpose: Discuss how I made the modkipz40, my new "ergonomic" pocket board that uses mouse switches. Talk about my first experience using ergogen, it's advantages and drawbacks, as well how this project shifted my view on keyboard ergonomics. I thoroughly enjoyed making and using my…

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